Saturday, January 23, 2010

January Stress

As January 23rd comes to a close I'd like to reflect back on January 23 2004. It is very hard to believe that it has already been six years since Ryan and Vanessa left us. Gone, but not forgotten. Sometimes I find myself still in disbelief that you two have passed. I still reflect on the last time I seen each of you at school. The last time we spoke. The both of you were really good people. I hope you're resting happily. I'll try to make it out and visit the crash site and pay my respects again this year.


I guess it has been a while since I updated here. I haven't had that much to talk about. The death of my friend drained me from wanting to do much of anything lately. The other day I went out to the pool hall with my friend and a lot of other people that were friends with Zach (along with his father). I think getting together like that helps to make things a little easier. I know it isn't a cure, but it is a help. When I walked in it I felt like I should see him standing there. It felt empty upon the realization he wouldn't be. It was an alright night though. Played some music on the jukebox, watched people get drunk, and play pool. I hope I'll get a chance to be out another night with everyone before February.

Speaking of February... and I'm not sure if I can be so safe to talk about this yet, but I'll give it a mention. I know some know already, but I've been a little busy getting ready for a trip I am going to be taking. I only have sixteen days left to get everything finished up with. That involves and not limited to getting clothing fixed and ready, doing a little extra shopping, gift shopping for the family, and making sure everything is an order. Not to mention STRESSING over meeting the parents/family. Swear, I'm going to be a puddle of nerves by the time that happens. I've already started to get a few things together; gifts, toiletries, paperwork. Oh the joys of stressing over doing something like this for the first time. Thankfully the majority of my family doesn't know what I am doing... that I know of. That would be another lovely obstacle to work around. The family member, my aunt, that would really be the one huffing and puffing over this has quit talking to me since she knows I'm gay. One less thing I have to worry about though. Haha.

Since I don't have much to say here I'll leave off with a few questions...

1. Where would you love to travel to?
2. What kind of gifts should I bring to meet the parents/family? (Filipino family, fyi.)
3. Any suggested items I should take with me?
4. I have nothing else to ask so, you ask me?

I'll see you all around and I'll try to update again before I go and maybe once I get there and settled in. Take care!


  1. well... I've got questions, hard questions like.... how are you? jk XD no but seriously, you're like neeeever online, do you know how much time passed since we talked? I've already played half TP and believe me, I barley have time, I do understand you tho... I won't be spoiled, I do know you've been stressed and busy and stuff, don't stress too much oppa u.u well, about me... only news I've got is that I just might get a job this week, and if I do (I'll jump around the house and scream and eat cake, wtf?) I'll be really happy, tho I'm seriously sad right now, because SunMi is leaving the Wondegirls, and she's like, my favorite female korean idol so :/ btw, the possible job is as an english teacher (oppa knows i suck at it -.-) but well, how are you??? how's everything going?? please tell me, I've been mad worried about you...

  2. hope everything will go fine kace..^^
    be a good lion, neh?? LOLS

  3. by the way,, sorry about your friends..
    i hope they're in a better place now..^^

  4. Tsukita. Hey, I know I'm not really ever on AIM. I sorta quit signing into it coz my internet tends to cut out and it leaves AIM signing in and out and I get 100 notifications that it did so. It kinda annoys me. Glad to hear you've made it so far through TP. I am just about to beat it again, but my wiimote's batteries died out. I'm waiting on a fresh pair. Yeah, stressing is an understatement. I haven't been so busy though. I've got out with friends, but I really have shopping I need to get now. You'll have to let me know if you got your job or not. Good luck and you don't suck at English. Yeah, I heard she was leaving, but at least it isn't for good. I like Yubin though. :] Everything is fine on my end... I don't have a whole lot to say, but I'm alright.

  5. Cheddar. Hey, I hope that is you. I am assuming so coz of the lion comment. Haha. Next time I get a comment from you, leave your name. Haha. Thanks and I'll try to be a lion on it's best behavior. Thanks too. I know my two friends are in a better place. They were good people.

  6. so sorry for your friends, s dat another set of your friends who died way back. rite?
    yo! cheer up, surely they're in good hands now.
    and good luck at meeting ur gf's family.
    dont think so much about it,just be yourself, you'll do good.

    1. Where would you love to travel to?
    2. What kind of gifts should I bring to meet the parents/family? (Filipino family, fyi.)
    just anything, fil. family doesnt think of what u bring to them but of how u present it[the gift] to them.well, it the thought that counts.
    3. Any suggested items I should take with me?
    4. I have nothing else to ask so, you ask me?
    dude, you're a lion?

  7. Anon. Comment deleted? I'm sorry if that happened. I don't think I got a notice that you ever commented.

    Yeah, those are friends of mine that died back in 2004. I am alright. I know they are in a far better place.

    Thanks, I need all the luck I can get when it comes to meeting her family.

    1. Why Canda?
    2. I think I am bringing some chocolates. Haha. I think her family really likes dark chocolate.
    4. Haha. Well, yeah, a friend and I were talking and she started calling me a Lion.

  8. its my fault.

    canada,'cuz my older bro will work there, let's say i like travelling. chocolates will forever be the ur now a lion.
